Time's up!

You know that you have been put on this earth for a reason and it’s time to figure out that reason so you can get to it

Hey Friends

I’m Deirdre Won-Short and I’m a life coach.

That means I help you get to where you want to be and who you want to be – in your mind, in your heart, in your soul, in your relationships, in your job, in any part of your life!

Through coaching, I teach you how to get off that hamster wheel that you keep running on. You learn how to shift your perspective and cut through the bullshit. This leads you to the real you.

I’m here to help you access that version of yourself: the you that lives in your heart.

I provide a safe, open, and honest space where you can find the clarity you need and let go of what has been holding you back so you can confidently move into what you want.

And yeah, that means I make you think. I ask lots of questions to laser-focus on what has been stopping you. I will challenge you! -But in a way that leaves you feeling seen and heard.

If you want to discover the real you, get started now by clicking below and scheduling a full, pitch-free complimentary coaching call with me.

It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem - Byron Katie

I love coaching smart people who are intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually curious.

What Now?

Come prepared to discuss what’s got you stuck, what you want to work on, or anything else that is in your way. You should plan for the call to take 45 minutes.

That’s it. 

Success Stories

Tasha G

Deirdre was obviously born to coach: she’s incredibly easy to talk to, very insightful, and offers solid advice and encouragement. I’ve worked with numerous life and wellness coaches over the years and she’s the best by far. Hire her now – thank me later.


When I first reconnected with Deirdre I was overwhelmed and anxious. At first, weight loss was my priority as it has been for years. After a session or two Deirdre and I realized that there were issues that were possibly sabotaging my progress. She provided a space to really delve into some of my habits and the mindset that was preventing me from moving forward. Deirdre was so responsive to my needs, even before I understood what they were. She adjusted our intended path with such finesse and supported me with various resources along the way.


I think my coach Deirdre really impacted me enormously, by helping me gain knowledge on how to eat healthy, and do what’s right for my body. Not only that, but I feel that most importantly I feel good about myself and I am excited for my next steps in my health journey.

Gina B

Deirdre is an excellent coach, I have been struggling with feeling like one opportunity is taking away from another opportunity and that my focus on what I really want to do and what feels right and fulfilling means that I’m not doing what I set out to do in the first part. What Coach Deirdre helped me see and realize is that both opportunities relate, they benefit each other making me a stronger coach. Deirdre provided the guidance to help me achieve clarity, give myself permission to pursue my desires and also see that I don’t have to choose this or that, but instead I can have both. After today’s coaching call I feel such relief and enthusiasm for my next steps. I can’t wait to check in with her for our next coaching call to show her my progress towards my goals. Deirdre is a coach who cheers yet

Marla R

Before working with Deirdre, I was eating mindlessly, had gained weight, and lacked energy. I decided to try health coaching because I was concerned the weight gain would negatively impact my health. After working with Deirdre, I am making more conscientious food choices, stretching more, and learning to love myself and do more of what makes me happy. Deirdre helped me became aware of the emotions triggering the mindless eating and techniques to redirect my behavior. I learned I have a lot of emotions to unpack.


I was stuck. I was afraid and unsure what I needed to do and how to execute the things I did know I had to do. Life had me overwhelmed. You helped me identify a starting point. You helped me see things I could be proud of and not define myself by what wasn’t. I was able to make a plan, create the steps and recognize that each step was success. I was gentler on myself and celebrated each new habit as the picture of what I wanted became clearer. You celebrated and took the journey with me. You listened and asked questions. You didn’t judge. You didn’t set the goals and/or expectations but through conversation helped me interpret what I was desiring.

Sara R

Deirdre is a natural coach. She’s open and easy to talk to, and I can feel that she holds me in high regard. I love working with her, and I always get a lot from our sessions. I always leave the conversation feeling empowered that I can meet my goals, and that she is someone who can help me.


Deirdre was an absolutely wonderful coach. She is intuitive, calm, friendly, and opens up a wonderful, safe space. She had some really insightful questions that prompted some aha moments!

Jen A

She was Fantastic! She made me feel really comfortable opening up to her – I felt rapport right away & best of all, I felt like she really GOT me & my goals. She has a natural compassion which will really serve her clients well!

Sarah D

Deirdre is truly authentic, and created a judgement-free environment to help me dig down to the roots of my beliefs. She offered really insightful perspective after she took the time to really listen to the whole of what was going on in my health. I came away from our session feeling like I really had breakthrough, and a launching-pad for busting my plateau and making strides in both my physical AND mental health. Honestly, I think Deirdre is worth her weight in gold as a coach.


Deirdre is a superb coach with years of medical experience including hospice. She is insightful, sensitive and empathetic. My coaching experience with her was exceptional and I look forward to meeting with her again.

Tracy R

She listened very well, made me dig deeper into my thoughts to find my true why.

Cailtin K

From the moment my session began with Deirdre I felt at ease and able to be vulnerable. Deirdre offers a safe environment to be heard and truly listens to you. The way that she ended the session especially made me feel confident to complete my action step for the week!! Thank you soo much.

Tiffany L

Deirdre was thoughtful and patient as she helped me remember that breathing (yes even when eating) is essential to our wellbeing. She did such a great job listening to me and really tried to understand where I was coming from. Thank you, Deirdre for all the help and inspiration.

Jen T

Deirdre continues to WOW me. She delivers her coaching style in a way that gets to your WHY and creates magical AHA’s and transformation. I always feel heard and that allows for my ability to make change happen.

Dianne S

My experience before working with you wasn’t good. I was mildly depressed, having great difficulty with controlling my diabetes not caring about much. After seeing you on Facebook, I thought maybe you could help me. I contacted you in desperate need of help and not sure of the outcome. After working with you I began to feel hopeful. You gave me so much information about diabetes that I had no idea what was really happening to my body. There were many “Aha” moments that created an awareness in myself. We uncovered some underlying issues that helped bring me to a better place in my life. I was able to overcome some fears that have made a difference! For that I’m grateful! As I began to reflect on my experiences with you, I now view myself in a different light. Learning how to make good food choices that improve my blood
